Dynamical Systems web site at Stony Brook with schedule of conferences

Strona Uk³adów Dynamicznych na Uniwersytecie Stony Brook z terminarzem konferencji

NEW!  Mini-conference on Nilfactors, Galowice, May 18-20 2007

Workshop on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Szklarska Porêba 2006

Tomasz Downarowicz

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science

Wroclaw University of Technology

 50-370 Wroclaw


June 1, 2007



1986: Sixth Topological Symposium, Prague, Czechoslovakia;

1989: Ergodic Theory Conference, Szklarska Poreba, Poland; 

1990: Workshop in Topological Dynamics, Minneapolis, USA;

1991: 217th IMS Meeting, Houston, USA;

1992: Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland;

1993: Ergodic Theory and Its Connections with Harmonic Analysis, Alexandria, Egypt;

1994: Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Torun, Poland;

1995: Symposium in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Centrum Banacha, Warszawa, Poland;

1996: Workshop on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Berlin, Germany;

1997: Workshop on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Szklarska Poreba, Poland; 

1999: Troisiémes Rencontres Mathématiques de Rouen – Théorie ergodique, Rouen, France; 

2000: Conference on Ergodic Theory „Toruñ 2000”, Torun, Poland;

2000: Zastosowania matematyki, Karpacz, Poland;

2001: Twierdzenia z pogranicza, XXVI Szko³a matematyki pogl¹dowej, Grzegorzewice, Poland;

2001: Information Theory and its Applications to Biology, Finance and Physics, Center of Excellence, Banach Center, Warszawa, Poland;

2001: 5th Czech-Slovak Workshop on Discrete Dynamical Systems, Praded, Czech Republic; 

2001: Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Fall, Penn State, USA;

2002: Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Spring, University of Maryland, USA;

2002: Workshop on Dynamics and Randomness, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile;

2003: Workshop on Dynamical Systems, Spring, University of Maryland, USA;

2003: Dynamical Systems, Denton, University of north Texas, USA;

2003: 7th Czech-Slovak Workshop on Discrete Dynamical Systems, Praded, Czech Republic 

2004: Workshop on Algebraic and Topological Dynamics, MPIM, Bonn, Germany; Transparences: Entropy structure

2004: 8th Czech-Slovak Workshop on Discrete Dynamical Systems, Praded, Czech Republic (as invited speaker); 

2005: International Conference on Dynamical Systems in memory of Wies³aw Szlenk, Banach Center, Warsaw;

2005: Dynamical Systems, Visegrad Conference, Prague, Czech Republic (as invited speaker);

2006: École Plurithématique deThéorie Ergodique II, Marseille, France;

2006: Workshop on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Szklarska Porêba, Poland (main organizer); 

2006: 10th Czech-Slovak Workshop on Discrete Dynamical Systems, Praded, Czech Republic (member of scientific committee); 

2007: Mini-conference on nilfactors , Galowice, Poland (main organizer); 

2007: Visegrad Conference Dynamical Systems, , High Tatras, Slovakia (member of scientific committee); 

2007: First joint international meeting AMS-PTM , Warsaw, Poland;