Tomasz Downarowicz

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science

Wroclaw University of Technology

50-370 Wroclaw


January 12, 2006



[1]     T.D.: Some properties of weakly almost periodic mappings, Colloq. Math. 54 (1987) pp. 241-25

[2]      T.D.: Weakly almost periodic mappings on one and two-manifolds, Colloq. Math. 54 (1987) pp. 253-259

[3]       W. Bartoszek, T.D.: Compactness of trajectories of dynamical systems in complete uniform spaces, Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Proc. of the 13th Winter School on Abstract Analysis, serie II, numero 10, Palermo 1985, pp. 13-16

[4]      T.D., A. Iwanik: Multiple recurrence for discrete time Markov processes II, Colloq. Math. 55 (1988) pp. 311-316

[5]      T.D., A. Iwanik: Quasi-uniform convergence in compact dynamical systems, Studia Math. 89 (1988) pp. 11-25

[6]      T.D.: A minimal 0-1 flow with noncompact set of ergodic measures, Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 79 (1988) pp. 29-35

[7]      T.D.: Sets of invariant measures of minimal flows – Announcement, Bull. of the Polish Academy of Sciences 35 (1987) pp. 521-523

[8]      T.D.: How a function on a zero-dimensional group Da defines a Toeplitz flow, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. 38 (1990) pp. 219-222

[9]      T.D.: The Choquet simplex of invariant measures for minimal flows, Israel J. Math. 74 (1991) pp. 241-256

[10]   T.D., D. Mauldin, T. Warnock: Random circle homeomorphisms, Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys. 12 (1992) pp. 441-458

[11]   T.D.: Quasi-uniform limits of uniformly recurrent points, Ergodic Theory and its Connections with Harmonic Analysis, Proc. of the 1993 Alexandria Conference, Lecture Note Series 205, Londyn 1995, pp. 253-258

[12]   T.D.: Strictly nonpointwise Markov operators and weak mixing, Ergodic Theory and its Connections with Harmonic Analysis, Proc. of the 1993 Alexandria Conference, Lecture Note Series 205, Londyn 1995, pp. 259-272

[13]   T.D., J. Kwiatkowski, Y. Lacroix: A criterion for Toeplitz flows to be topologically isomorphic and applications Colloq. Math. 68 (1995) pp. 219-228

[14]   T.D., Y. Lacroix: A non-regular Toeplitz flow with preset pure point spectrum, Studia Math. 120 (1996) pp. 235--246

[15]   T.D.: The Royal Couple conceals their mutual relationship – A noncoalescent Toeplitz flow, Israel J. Math. 97 (1997) pp. 239-252

[16]   T.D.: Weakly almost periodic flows and hidden eigenvalues, Topological Dynamics and Applications, AMS Contemporary Math. Series, M.G. Nerurkar, D.P.Dokken, D.B. Ellis, Providence 1998, pp. 101-120

[17]   T.D., Y. Lacroix: Almost 1-1 extensions of Furstenberg-Weiss type, Studia Math. 130 (1998) pp. 149-170

[18]   T.D., Y. Lacroix: Merit factors and Morse sequences, Theoretical Computer Science 209 (1998) pp. 377-387

[19]   T.D.: Reading along arithmetic progressions, Colloq. Math. 80 (1999) pp. 293-296

[20]   T.D., J. Kwiatkowski, Y. Lacroix: Spectral isomorphisms of Morse flows, Fundamenta Math. 163 (2000) pp. 193-213

[21a] T. Byczkowski, T.D., Z. Lipecki, Z. Romanowicz: Anzelm Iwanik (1946-1998) (in Polish), Wiadomoœci matematyczne 35 (1999) pp. 191-200

[21b] T.D., Z. Lipecki: Anzelm Iwanik (1946--1998), Collq. Math. 84/85 (2000) pp. 1-12

[22]   G. Barat, T.D., A. Iwanik, P. Liardet: Propriétés topologiques et combinatoires des échelles de numération (in French), Collq. Math. 84/85 (2000) pp. 285-306

[23]   T.D., F. Durand: Factors of Toeplitz flows and other almost 1-1 extensions over group rotations, Math. Scand. 90 (2002) pp. 57-72

[24]   T.D.: Entropy of a symbolic extension of a totally disconnected dynamical system, Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys. 21 (2001) pp. 1051-1070

[25a] T.D.: Entropia (in Polish), Matematyka-Spo³eczeñstwo-Nauczanie 27 (2001), Zeszyty XXIV Szko³y Matematyki Pogl¹dowej, Grzegorzewice

[25b] T.D., P. Frej: Entropy, Proceedings of the Karpacz Conference in Applied Mathematics (2000) pp. 31-44

[26]   G. Barat, T.D., P. Liardet: Dynamiques asociées à une échelle de numération (in French), Acta Arithmetica 103 (2002) pp. 41-78

[27]   T.D., J. Serafin : Fiber entropy and variational principles in compact non-metrizable spaces, Funda. Math.172 (2002) pp. 217-247

[28]   T.D., X. Ye: When every point is either transitive or periodic, Colloq. Math. 93 (2002) pp. 137-150

[29]   T.D., J. Serafin: Possible entropy functions, Israel J. Math. 135 (2003) pp. 221-25 

[30]   T.D., J. Kwiatkowski: Weak closure theorem fails for Z2-actions, Studia Math. 153 (2002) pp. 115-125

[31]   M. Boyle, T.D.: The entropy theory of symbolic extensions, Inventiones Mathematicae 156, (2004) pp. 119-161

[32]   T.D., B. Weiss: Entropy theorems along times when x visits a set, Illinois Jour. Math., 48 (2004) pp. 59-69 

[33]   T.D., S. Newhouse: Symbolic extension entropy in smooth dynamics, Inventiones Math. 160 (2005) pp. 453-499

[34]   T.D., B. Frej: Measure-theoretic and topological entropy of a Markov operator, Ergod. Th. and Dynam. Sys. 25 (2005) pp. 455-481

[35]   T.D., D. Mauldin: Some remarks on output measures, Proceedings of the Dynamical Systems Conference Denton, 25-29 May 2003, Topology and Appl. 152 (2005) pp. 11-25 

[36]   T.D.: Entropy structure, Journal d’Analyse 96 (2005) pp. 57-116

[37]   T.D., J. Serafin: Semicocycle extensions and the stroboscopic property, Topology and Appl. 153 (2005) pp. 97-106

[38]   T.D.: Survey of odometers and Toeplitz flows, Algebraic and Topological Dynamics (Kolyada, Manin, Ward eds), Contemporary Math. 385 (2005) pp. 7-38                             (there is an overstatement in Theorem 13.1: the condition (6) should be removed; download a corrected version) 

[39]   T.D.: Minimal models for noninvertible and not uniquely ergodic systems, Israel Journal Math. 156 (2006) pp. 93-110

[40]   T.D., P. Malièký, L. Snoha, V. Špitalský: Measure of nonivertibility of minimal maps, J. Math. Anal. Appl. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 317 (2006) pp. 714-723

[41]   M. Boyle, T.D.: Symbolic extension entropy: Cr examples, products and flows  Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 16 (2006) pp. 329-341


[42]   T.D.: Faces of simplices of invariant measures Israel Journal (to appear)

[43]   T.D., A. Maass: Finite rank Brattelli Diagrams are expansive Ergodic Th. & Dynam. Sys. (to appear)

[44]   V. Bergelson, T.D.: Large sets of integers and hierarchy of mixing properties of measure-preserving systems Colloq. Math. (to appear)


[45]   F. Balibrea, T.D., R. Hric, L. Snoha, V. Spitalsky: Almost totally disconnected minimal systems (submitted)

[46]   T.D., Y. Lacroix: The law of series (submitted)

[47]   T.D., P. Grzegorek: Epsilon-independence between two processes

[48]   T.D.: Mildly mixing rank-one Z2-actions