2018/2019 - sem. letni - Diffusion Processes on Complex Networks - laboratoria

Diffusion Processes on Complex Networks


Basic information

  • course code - MAT001577L
  • form of the classes - laboratories
  • lecturer - dr hab. Janusz Szwabiński
  • dedicated for - Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics (W-13), 1st semester


Time and place of the classes

  • Group 1 (of the code T00-91c):
    Wednesdays, 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM
    room 317.4, building D-1
  • Group 2 (of the code T00-91b):
    Thursdays, 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM
    room 317.4, building D-1


Organizational information and passing rules

  • during the laboratory classes student ought to solve the tasks from the assignment list prepared by the Lecturer and then present the developed solutions
  • assignment lists will be evaluated in the following manner
    • the score for the entire assignment list is given based on the quality of the results obtained by the student and it is a number from the interval [0, 100],
    • in case if the student prepares supererogatory parts of the assignments, which were previously mentioned by the teacher or if their solutions will contain additional components or features, unmentioned in the original instruction for the given task - there exists a possibility of getting more than 100 points for such assignment. This is however only possible if the submission is done on time and all the obligatory parts of the assignment are done correctly,
    • the evaluation of the tasks may take place during the laboratory classes - in such case the student should be able to present the results of their work and answer some basic questions related to the program they have written; the other option is sending the soultions of the tasks via an e-mail - in such case a particular attention to the code legibility, presence of the comments etc. is highly expected
    • to be able to receive the maximum score for a given assignment list one should present it for evaluation during the classes or send it via an e-mail before 11:59PM on the day when the classes take part. Each day of delay reduces the maximum score possible to be received for each of the tasks by 25
    • the precise schedule describing when each assignment list should be presented for evaluation is given below
      #Assignment List Deadline
      2 13-14.03.2019
      3 27-28.03.2019
      4 10-11.04.2019
      5 15-16.05.2019
      6 29-30.05.2019
      The first date in each of the intervals applies to Group 1 and the other - to Group 2;


      Assignemnt List no. 1 will be done during the classes, all together and solutions will not be individually assessed.



      Deadline for Assignemnt List no. 3 has been changed due to the cancellation of certain classes.



      Deadline for Assignemnt List no. 4 has been changed to utilise the changes in the University calendar.



      Deadline for Assignemnt List no. 6 has been changed due to the cancellation of certain classes.

    • the final grade from the laboratory classes is given in reference to the arithmetic mean over the results of the scores of all assignment lists - precise thresholds are given below
      Score interval Final grade
      [65, 70) 3.0
      [70, 75) 3.5
      [75, 85) 4.0
      [85, 95) 4.5
      [95, 100] 5
      (100, \(+ \infty \) ) 5.5
  • presence during the laboratory classes is mandatory and the attendance list will be checked at the beginning of each classes; each student is allowed to miss out (without any justification) up to 2 classes.


Assignment list

Last update - 18th September