2020/2021 - sem. letni - Economathematics - ćwiczenia



Basic information

  • course code - MAT001562C
  • form of the classes - tutorials
  • lecturer - prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Palmowski
  • dedicated for - Applied Mathmematics, Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics (W-13), 1st semestr


Time and place of the classes

  • Mondays, 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM,
    classes run on ZOOM


Organizational information and passing rules

  • Tutorial classes will take place in a fully remote way, via ZOOM software. The course all the classes will be recorded for future reference of both students and tutors. By participating in the course each student consents for the possibility of being recorded. Live presence during the classes is mandatory. Each student is allowed to miss out (without any justification) up to 3 classes.

  • For the sake of cohesiveness and utilising lack of classroom capacity constraints, both tutorial groups (T00-37a of Jonas Al-Hadad and T00-37b of Jarosław Gruszka) will be taking place at once, in the same ZOOM meeting. 

  • As a core part of the course, students ought to solve the problems from the Problems Lists, linked below and - optionally - submit them to be checked by the tutors by placing the solutions (in a form of e.g. a scan of the hand-written solution, a LaTeX PDF file etc.) onto a designated on-line location, no later than the day before the classes. The cloud drive where tasks should be stored is linked below:

    [link only availabe on course internal ePortal page]

  • Uploading a solution is unequivocal to expressing readiness of the student to also present the developed solutions during the classes. Each problem can only be solved by maximum of two people - one from each of the groups. Students can book the problems for themselves using the following spreadsheet:

    [link only availabe on course internal ePortal page]

  • If a given task is solved by two students from two different groups - the tutors decide which student will present the solution during the classes. Moreover, it is up the the tutors what would be the order of the tasks presented by the students. 

  • The tutors also restrict for themselves a possibility to do changes in the allocation of problems to students, including (but not limited to) cancellation of a booking made by a student or reassigning a problem from one student to another. 


  • During the course there will be one test and one exam.
  • The test will take place during the tutorials, around the 9th week of the classes. The maximum number of points to be scored at the test is 70.
  • The exam will take place at the end of the semester, during the exam session. The maximum number of points to be scored at the exam is also 70.
  • Student have a possibility to solve the problems from the Problems Lists themselves and present the solutions during the classes or share the solutions with the tutors, as described above. For each solved task, a student can score 10 points. This form of scoring points is called in-class activity. 
  • A student cannot score more than a total of 70 points from the test and from in-class activity. Scoring 70 points that way frees the student from the obligation of writing the exam and guarantees him the final 5.0 grade right up front.  
  • If not freed from the exam, the final grade from the classes is given in reference to the sum of the scores from the test, the in-class activity and the exam. Precise thresholds are given below:

    if points \(\in\) [0, 65) then grade = 2.0
    if points \(\in\) [65, 80) then grade = 3.0
    if points \(\in\) [80, 90) then grade = 3.5
    if points \(\in\) [90, 105) then grade = 4.0
    if points \(\in\) [105, 120) then grade = 4.5
    if points \(\in\) [120, ) then grade = 5.0
  • There also exists a possibility of getting an excellent, 5.5 grade. People who would like to attempt to get it will be required to take an oral examination. A willingness to take the exam should be reported to the Lecturer by e-mail.

Problem Sheets

Last update - 3rd October