
The simplest form of a logarithm

After 5 lessons in Polish

Really Higher Level? Tragicomedy

Teaching mathematics - evolution

Sense of beauty

English in use 1 - Math Hl slang

English in use 2 - translating Renata Beger's speech

Precise graph

Poverty in IB - some students cannot afford enough paper

Africk Simon - Hafana - feat. Renata Beger

Sense of beauty 2 - wishful thinking

Student's complaints

Letters of recommendation

A new wave graph of function

Really Higher Level? Using roots - tragicomedy no.2

Really Higher Level? Effective use of GDC - tragicomedy no.3

Really Higher Level? Dividing 'polynomials' - tragicomedy no.4


Desperate looking for some rescue

Common opinion

Need to complete your portfolio in mathematics? Take this advice!

Arabic integral

Teacher's desperation

Student's condition during his mock exam

A novel writer


Precise explanations



Man's brain

Really Higher Level? Obsessed by technology - tragicomedy no.5


Film quiz with mathematical background

Film quiz - mathematical proof

New rules for logarithms and some other new wave mathematics A.D 2011

Creative counting money

The shortest essay in the world

Beauty of mathematics


Deceived by simplicity of logarithms

Dr Skoczylas and students

PWr in action! A.D. 2019