Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

New developments around x2 x3 conjecture and other classical problems in Ergodic Theory

Cieplice, May 23-May 27, 2016


On the afternoon of Wednesday, 25 May, we will organize an excursion for interested participants. The trip should last about 3 to 4 hours, and you can find more details below:

Palace-garden residences in Jelenia Góra Basin

The Jelenia Góra Basin is an area of special significance in terms of cultural and natural values. Aside from an outstanding and highly variable geological and geomorphological setting with numerous enclaves of natural vegetation, the area is characterized by the highest density of cultural monuments in the country. However, it is not the number, but the artistic and historic quality of old buildings and their variety and authenticity that defines the cultural uniqueness of the area. This the place where human development has been shaped by many nations, cultures and traditions. The royal and aristocratic palace garden residences from the nineteenth century are without doubt one of the most important features of the Jelenia Góra Basin. During the trip we will visit some of them, such as the Royal Palace in Mysłakowice, Palace in Łomnica and Wojanów.

The planned route is: Cieplice – Mysłakowice – Bukowiec – Karpniki – Łomnica - Wojanów – Staniszów (if time allows) – Cieplice